Friday, August 21, 2009

Journal #8 August 20, 2009 (Written August 19, 2009) @ 2:34am

What can I say about today. The first full day of my JVC placement, I woke up to the sunlight streaming through all three sides of my room at around 7am, but with my better judgment decided I should rather stay in bed until 8:30am, soaking in those precious minutes of sleep. I was supposed to go with a few other members of my house to return the rental car we had used yesterday to get from our orientation to our placement but plans changed and I was gifted with the precious reward of sleep. I got up in a daze, thinking I had been left behind by my housemates. I vaguely remembered their voices chattering around me while I dreamt dreams of adventure and discovery but somehow I managed to filter them out, convincing myself that I needed as much sleep as I could get. Ironic that now I type this at 2:38am while I must rouse myself at 7:30am for our orientation tomorrow! However, I have committed myself to the journal and I must continue to record ever moment I deem worthy of memory. I stumbled somewhat confused around my house, wondering where everyone had gone. I thought I saw Kirsten in the garage area while I was in the kitchen but thought it more of an apparition than reality. I was so dazed at this point that I resigned myself to cereal and technology. Waiting for more human company to arrive I checked my email and facebook, downloading new software for my phone and just perusing the “interweb” as Tricia calls it, before everyone returned and we planned out what would happen today. We knew that two things were necessary for today. 1: to open a bank account. 2: to get smart cards to use on either metro or bus routes. Those things were accomplished successfully this afternoon. I spent around an hour in a Wachovia banking center getting our individual co-op bank account approved by one of the nicest bankers I have met. We learned a lot about this individual, Hilary (I know that was his first name), something something. His father was a prestigious banker who attended Harvard while his grandfather was a member of some very important global organization. The H. was very active in entrepreneurship and was looking to start his own business in genetics (with degrees in business and biology). He was incredibly helpful and got us on a great start with our bank, a relationship we are looking forward to utilizing this year. After that was taken care of we walked back past Howard University (an area which I am still looking forward to exploring for a grand piano or any piano…in the music building) to our house, which was still sweltering in the heat and humidity. I hung out with our fellow housemates and chatted until we decided dinner time was upon us. We ate this delicious tuna, wheat pasta, onion, and something or other pasta salad and it was great, a good combo of the essential proteins, starches, and vitamins. We did such a good job coming together to make this meal, and I hope it is symbolic of the team unity we will have later in the year. Overall our house is looking better as we spent a good amount of time cleaning up and tiding the place. My room is still incredibly exciting to me and I look forward to making it my own. It will be tough at the end of the year to give it up. This evening we headed over to the other JVC house for a few drinks along with appitizers. We didn’t eat too many of the appitizers before heading out to a pub in Capitol Heights and getting a 3.50 beer.
I just got back and need to sleep but until next time, its been real.

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