Tuesday, April 27, 2010

It makes me think...

Last night our community did something that we do every week. We have a "spirituality night," where we talk about anything from Islam to passages from the Bible to where we see ourselves being challenged. Last night we reflected on a number of things happening in our lives.

I think most 'outsiders' to JVC, Jesuits, or spirituality would scoff at the idea that we spend a night a week talking about spirituality. I mean, what does God really have to do with life, if you don't recognize the concept. To me, while I'm not a firm believer in anything at this point, these nights, especially the one last night, add a great deal to my life.

Last night, I was able to enjoy the company of my house, as we talked about our struggles, our joys, our desires, and just be real with each other. When others spoke of difficulties they were having, I echoed those feelings. We reinforced each other as well; when someone spoke of how they were just plain scared of what would come next year, another was quick to point out that person's strengths and to just say that things will, despite how they seem now, work out.

I realized that this year is quickly going by, and that before I can blink, I'll be sitting in a classroom once again. In a foreign city, in uncharted territory.

However, I have also realized that the friendships that I've formed this year through nights like this will continue to exist for the rest of my life.

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